A Eulogy to Steve Jobs
byBy Mohamed AlJunaibi (@maljunaibi) It was October 5th 2011 and the time was just before 4:00 pm. A few of my friends and I…
By Mohamed AlJunaibi (@maljunaibi) It was October 5th 2011 and the time was just before 4:00 pm. A few of my friends and I…
By Fatma AlKhaja (@fay_alkhaja) This month, I decided to step out of the office and discuss a topic that has been on my mind…
By Mohammed Kazim (@MAKazim) Broken wooden cabinets, an old rusty fan, dusty torn rugs, and flickering light bulbs surrounded us in what Ayesha calls…
By Reem Abdalla (@Reem096) For those of us fortunate enough to go to school, we were taught since pre-school how to do things in…
Nunc porta blandit massa quis tincidunt. Duis rutrum viverra libero, sed hendrerit ipsum interdum eu. Nullam suscipit lorem ut orci feugiat id facilisis eros…
Curabitur vehicula erat eget lorem eleifend, nec pharetra velit volutpat. Etiam tincidunt urna a libero auctor malesuada. Donec eleifend neque sed sollicitudin convallis. Nunc…
Dear Sail Readers, Here we publish today our 19th issue of Sail eMagazine. And yet again we have an addition to our Sail team…
By Hamda AlHashemi (@Hamda_AlHashemi) One of the funniest Arabic proverbs I read was: “He who lends a book is an idiot. He who returns…
By Khalid AlAmeri (@KhalidAlAmeri) The word leadership or to lead comes across us in our everyday lives. Whether you are in high school, a…
By Ayesha AlJanahi (@_AyeshaAlJanahi) Starting kindergarten is a huge milestone for your child and for you. Many parents worry about whether their child is…