Trapped in a Nightmare – How to Start Tidying Up?

Do we all clutter and suffer in tidying up our homes? Why does it happen and how can we get ourselves out of it?

Artwork by Hamda AlMansoori (instagram: @Planet64, twitter: @planetsixtyfour)

No sign of an exit; the lost key was the cause.

No sign of an exit; the lost key was the cause.

Standing there hopeless; trapped in a room I was.

Confused in all the chaos; the clutter was one of the many flaws.

It felt like the tape recorder was stuck, it was replaying the same nightmare over & over again. Have you experienced standing in your own house feeling like a stranger? I would most definitely not be calling it a home. A home is made with love and care, on the other hand, this space that I am standing on right now is made out of clutter & mess.
Go ahead for a minute close your eyes and describe what would your “picture perfect home” be like? Are socks missing their twin? Piles of clothes higher than the skyscraper? Tripping over kids toys as though you are in an obstacle course? Wasting precious hours to find that one item that means something to you, but it is lost in a jungle of objects that you no longer value, need, or want? I am sure that is not what you visualized, and I assure you that most people would not choose this style of living.
The problem might lie within us, when we see the space filled up with stuff we tend to freeze. Instead of tidying up we tend to tuck things away, hide them under the bed, or even try to stuff them in a closet that is already about to burst.
As an easy way out, we come up with excuses or even start saying “There are not enough hours in a day to do so much.” The hours in a day have not changed nor will it change, it has always been 24 hours. Life has become much easier nowadays; we have cars for mobility, cell phones to call our loved ones, and with a click of a button we can get what we need. Imagine how much extra time that gives us in comparison to those who lived in the past.
No individual is perfect, we all have strengths and weaknesses. For us to improve & grow we must first understand ourselves & identify the core reason of being trapped in this chaos.
People will suggest various ways of de-cluttering, organizing, and cleaning up. It is essential for us to understand what method suits us best and what can keep us motivated. Motivation is an essential foundation in this process, and it is the first aspect I seek before starting the actual process. Here are some examples where I usually derive my motivation from:

  • Homemaking books, such as, “Spark Joy” by Marie Kondo & “How to be the Perfect Housewife” by Anthea Turner. Each book demonstrates various ways that can assist you in this journey.
  • Watching TV shows and Youtube tutorials that present the before and after of chaotic homes. By watching these, we are reminded that we aren’t the only ones facing this issue. Many people live in far more chaos and were able to achieve their goals in a limited time by staying focused and having a target.
  • Browsing through websites, such as, Pinterest and saving images that would present your dream space. To take it a step further, go ahead and print few images and create a mood board.

Let us get rid of this accumulated clutter. Let us utilize precious time to create change in our lives. Let us take a journey of tidying up & create a new chapter of a happily ever home.

“Unclutter your life. Unclutter your home. We feel best when everything and everyone around us is in harmony and in balance. The peace and the beauty of your home will raise you up, and give energy to your goals.” – Eileen Anglin

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