Dubai Today Radio Interview on 31.05.2015

Podcast of Voices of Diversity 31 05 2015

Our editor in chief, Iman Ben Chaibah, along with Sail’s second published book author, Omar Al Busaidy, joined Suzanne Radford & Dr. Samineh Shaheem’s Dubai Today radio show on 31st of May, 2015.

In the show they discussed the updates of Sail Publishing in terms of Sail Magazine’s milestones, the second magazine: By The Masses, and the expansion into publishing digital books. They also discussed few of the articles that were published on May’s issue, such as: Reflections on a Social Media Suicide by Alia Al Shamsi, and A Hall Too Big by Alia Al Hazami.

In the interview, they got to know much more about the professional background of Omar Al Busaidy, the career path and entrepreneurial journey he took, and what drove him to write his book Just Read it.

Here is the full interview below:

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