Mubadala’s Youth Forum

Article in brief: A review on this year’s Mubadala’s Annual Youth Forum.

Speakers during one of the forum's panel discussions (Picture Provided by Mubadala)
Speakers during one of the forum’s panel discussions (Picture Provided by Mubadala)

Another year has arrived and the much-anticipated event “Mubadala’s Youth Forum” hosted by the Abu Dhabi based Investment and Development company Mubadala, took place on the 21st of October this year.

University graduates and undergraduates were filling the venue to get a taste of their future, as the theme this year was “Our Future, Your Ambition”. The event was planned in a way to help students and fresh graduates with their career planning and choices.

After a short video illustrating the story of Mubadala, the event’s MC Hamad AlHarthi introduced H.E. Dr. Amal AlQusaibi, Director General of the Abu Dhabi Education Council, to give the keynote speech during which she stressed on the importance of having a global outlook to withstand the UAE’s development.

Following her Excellency’s inspirational speech, the first of two panel discussions started under the title “The Job Market Landscape: Jobs and Perspectives”. The panel was hosted by four Emirati achievers in academic disciplines of science ranging from technology, engineering, mathematics, healthcare and renewables industries. It focused on the importance of having graduate employees working in various science sectors to develop efficiently to grow into global platforms.

To end the first discussion, panelist Dr. Arif Al Hammadi advised the young guests saying: “Students should aim to specialize after receiving their undergraduate degrees…Your GPA is secondary to the skills and knowledge gained during your educational journey.”

The second panel titled “Great Expectations: Your Qualities and Qualifications” was hosted by four Emiratis working in Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, Du, Tabreed and Mubadala. The panelists discussed the expectations new employees set for their jobs, and the need to have certain qualities and qualifications to reach their, sometimes, high expectations. Panelist Nizar Luqman highlighted how teamwork, passion, creativity and positive drive are the best qualities one could acquire to go far in their career. “Keep in mind your GPPA and scale it well; Guts, Persistence, Patience & Attitude,” he said.

A new addition was added to this year’s forum, which was ADMAF Comic Award and Mubadala Youth Award. The Mubadala Youth Award was awarded to Hamad AlKaabi, Mishal AlMarzooqi and Alia AlHazami for being young achievers under the age of 25 and to recognize their positive impact on the young community.

Alia AlHazami (on the right) receiving the Mubadala Youth Award (Picture Provided by Mubadala)
Alia AlHazami (on the right) receiving the Mubadala Youth Award (Picture Provided by Mubadala)

The forum ended with a workshop under the title “The Ultimate Career Planning Tool: Knowing Yourself”, the workshop was set to help the young guests find their strengths as individuals.

The Youth Forum was enlightening and helpful in planning one’s career and expectations. The panel discussion left the guests inspired and made them rethink their career paths to match their skills.

Personally, the second discussion panel grabbed my attention the most and made me realize that I need to work hard on whatever expectation I set. Also, it assured me that I am more than my GPA, and my intelligence isn’t measured by a number, but by my skills.

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