Youth: Why Not Find an Alternative to Visiting Malls?

Artwork by Dana AlAttar (@DanaAlAttar)
Artwork by Dana AlAttar (@DanaAlAttar)

As a Sharjawi (Sharjah resident, I am in no way a football fan), I recall constantly complaining, as have others, about how we don’t have enough malls in Sharjah or how our malls aren’t as top notch as those of Dubai, or how we live in far proximity to all the good malls, etc.

Few weeks ago, my biology class and I went on an excursion to the Sharjah Natural History Museum and Wildlife Park to undertake research on our current unit of inquiry. Honestly speaking, I didn’t expect much; I thought it would be drab and dull. I merely considered it as an opportunity to miss out on 5 hours of schoolwork.

Least to say, I was proven wrong. I was enthralled by its world-class facilities, its interactive features and displays, life-like models and numerous artifacts all laid out in a comprehensive and well-organized manner. It was somewhat similar, if not completely identical to the Natural History Museums of Hong Kong, Munich and Kuala Lumpur that I previously visited during my travels.

However, what it lacked was a) our interest and b) adequate marketing strategies as their current marketing strategies aren’t very youth/ local oriented; as opposed to its previously mentioned counterparts, which were literally filled to the brim with locals and youth.

I do not claim that I regularly visit museums nor do I claim that I am not a frequent mall visitor. Also, keep in mind that I do not intend to discourage you from visiting malls. The point I am trying to make is that, we should create a balance in our lives; for every couple of visits we make to a mall, the next visit we make should be to a park, museum or the beach. For what benefit could we possibly gain if all our outings are at malls? Based on experience, none. Zero. Except for a couple of good books of course.

Let me share with you a funny incident that caused me to remember that trip with fondness and a bucket full of giggles. Upon the completion of our tour, I was casually walking around the cafeteria, having my ice cream, only to be stopped by a 4 years old boy who appeared to have wanted to shake my hand, as apparent by his stretched hand. Consequently, I extended my hand to greet him, only to be dumbfounded by him as he snatched the ice cream from my hand and shared his treasure with three other friends.

Museums aren’t always boring, hey, such incidents might happen to you as well.

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  • I agree – the standard of interactive displays at the Museum is very good BUT I think some displays could be presented with a more logical sequence.
    I also agree that the Museum's self promotion is nearly non-existent and that this is a shame! Most people I speak to have been to the Arabian Wildlife Center only (across the road) and have never even noticed the Museum.
    I am glad you enjoyed your visit 🙂

  • I truly agree with the fact that museums are forgotten, & the fact that Sheikh Sultan beams a lot of attention to this cultures & are actually considered as one of his priorities to care for such places.
    I like the fact that Sharjah doesn't have lots of mall, it's actually a thing with both advantages & disadvantages, just like every other thing in life. The advantage is that we don't get crowded places, & the disadvantage is that we are compelled to go to dubai so we can shop for clothes. This isn't a shop-lover who's talking, therefore I prefer the fact of not having malls, it causes me discomfort. Whatsoever I wanted to ask since my curiousity is killing me, what t's the relation betweeen the incident & your article? Doesn't make sense to me! Anyways I like your writing sophie, keep it up

  • Thank you Ms Marina for inspiring me to think twice about my outing options
    Thank you Sara. I totally agree with you. They have no relation I just felt like sharing it.

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