3 Main Issues Faced by Our Generation: Honesty, Procrastination and Depression

Artwork by Dana AlAttar (@DanaAlAttar)
Artwork by Dana AlAttar (@DanaAlAttar)

I’m not perfect; I’m far from that… I keep on stating this over and over again because people deem that I pretend to be perfect. You see, whatever I write in my articles is what I hope to be, not what I currently am. Through my writing, I’ve learned to make better decisions and simply be a better person, because I don’t want to come off as fake. As a writer I love to give advice, that’s why I try to tackle inspirational topics.

I’ve always mentioned that I truly dislike our generation and its ways though I’m a part of it. I simply think that most of the people who are a part of our generation are reckless and irresponsible. People believe that we have become like this due to the way we were raised, I completely disagree. I believe that the way we let our self go turned us into this. We’ve been asleep for a while and we have to be awakened from our slumber and that can only happen by choosing to go onto the correct path.

That seems easy when you read it but how can we be sure that we’ve taken the correct trail? Our minds love to trick us, they can make us believe that the way we’re living is the way everyone should, whilst it could be the exact lifestyle we shouldn’t live by. By observing the way we all act, I have highlighted our main issues that need to be fixed promptly; Honesty, Procrastination and Depression.

Honesty – ‘Honesty is the best policy’ and we’re all aware of that, we just choose not to acknowledge it. I have to admit, though I feel like I’m an honest person, I’ve had my share fair of ‘Little white lies.’ The first thing we need to do is to terminate any sort of lie, whether small or big to augment the person we currently are.

Stop procrastination – Laziness is taking over our generation and my biggest problem is that we’re completely fine and happy with it. Heck, a lot of us state it with much pride. Don’t we happen to be the voice of the future? Aren’t we the ones who’ll shape it up and hopefully make it better? The thing is; our excuse is going to be “We’re still young! We want to have fun and focus on that later.” That statement is utterly false. We need to take the initiative as of now and learn how to live in a productive way starting from a young age.

Radiate love and happiness – Have you ever deeply thought and couldn’t help but notice how everyone is always sad and plainly “Not in the mood”?  I’m sure that I’m not the only one who noticed it. It’s absolutely wrong of us to let chronic depression get into us, we should take a step in demolishing it by stating our graces and by merely convincing ourselves that we are happy. You wouldn’t be lying to yourself if you convinced it with that belief because we truly are happier than a lot of people out there. Our inner demons shouldn’t take control; they’re only toying with our emotions.

From my perspective, keeping count of our sins helps us in becoming better people. Yes, I personally feel like our sins define us; they decide what kind of a person we are. However, that kind of judgment is for us and us only in order to conquer the villain within us and become the enhanced versions of our previous self. That sort of judgment isn’t present for humans out there to make false assumptions based on thoughts produced in their head. One of my favorite quotes is “Don’t judge people because they sin differently than you.” and that’s the exact point I’m trying to convey. Everything starts with tiny steps, if we make an effort to actually take them, then we’ll constantly improve and go a long way.

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  • Well observed. The best way to solve a problem and decrease is frequency is too admit that you have a problem. How many times have you heard someone start off a sentence with 'I hate lying, and I never do, but…" then they go on and keep lying.
    I think the subject is well tackled, but people need to take responsibility for their actions.

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