Connecting the Dots between Mind, Body, and Soul

Exploring the narrow-minded approach of many doctors when it comes to treating their patients.

Artwork by Hamda AlMansoori (instagram: @Planet64, twitter: @planetsixtyfour)

Have you ever been sick and ended up with a doctor that simply did not care enough to find out what is really wrong with you? Some doctors tend to be robotic, simply going through a checklist of questions, and prescribing a standardized set of medication to practically anyone who walks through the door. And worst of all, some of these doctors do not even have the etiquette of dealing effectively with patients, ignoring any sort of interpersonal skills, eye contact, and not providing them the space to ask questions.
As someone who has dealt with chronic health issues since birth, I have come across all types of doctors, many of whom have fallen into the above category. The health issues I face are not of one organ, and as such, I need to see different specialists, most of whom do not have the means or understanding to work with one another to find a solution. It ends up with me chasing different doctors, and getting a different prognosis from each, when in reality, it should be dealt with as a whole.
The major concern I have is that there is no effort from many of the doctors out there to look at the bigger picture and understand the patient. They treat only the organ they have been “assigned” and are blind to the fact that there could be other issues within that person that needs to be looked at.
We go through all this when dealing with physical symptoms that arise from our bodies. The mind and soul come nowhere near the vision of conventional doctors who are only too eager to prescribe the strongest medications without any real investigations.
In my quest to manage my health issues, I have not only seen a number of conventional doctors, but have had to go out of my way to seek relief from other avenues, namely complementary and alternative medicine which offer a less invasive approach. I have seen Chinese Medicine Doctors, Reiki Practitioners, Acupuncturists, Ayurvedic, and Homeopathic Doctors, all of whom have their own views and approaches. One approach that stands out is homeopathy where the goal is to view the patient as a whole, rather than just targeting a specific symptom.
The questions asked in a homeopathy consultation are far from the traditional ones we are used to, and in fact, open doors to so many aspects that you begin to realize and understand where all your health problems are coming from. I cannot say for sure that the treatment works as I have only just begun, but I can say that it is refreshing to be faced with a doctor who sees me as a whole rather than an organ. This is the approach that all doctors need to take no matter where their specialty or practice lies.
This is not to say that all conventional doctors out there are narrow-minded. We have plenty of doctors that go out of their way to listen to their patients and find the best solutions for them. We are blessed to live in a time where medicine has advanced and we have so much available to us. However, it is important to remember that it is alright to seek second or third opinions when faced with any health issue. A nagging pain that may be small today can lead to bigger problems if the root cause of it has not been correctly identified. We are prescribed to take tons of medication to shut down the very symptoms that may actually be trying to tell us something. We must also remember that we are all different and we shouldn’t take any medication just because it has worked for our friends or family. This should not be a one size fits all approach, but a more customized one that fits our mind, body, and soul.
We also need to look within ourselves and understand whether there are emotional or mental reasons that are causing us to feel pain. If the problem is caused by our “mind”, we may be able to treat the symptoms with medication, but if our mind is still not at ease, the pain will come back in a different form.
Therefore, it is important that we understand ourselves first. Only then can we build an honest relationship with our doctors and share our concerns. We must work together with our doctors to find the right remedies. And if we are faced with a doctor that does not seem to care, or not make an extra effort, then it is time to move on and find someone else who will. Life is too short, and we must make it a priority to ensure that our mind, body, and soul are in harmony.

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