The Arab World Is Launching Into Orbit

The focus on space sciences in the UAE has been growing tremendously recently, here are some of the benefits of that.

Picture provided by Nasa
Picture provided by Nasa

The simplest things always amazed us as children. As we get older, we get so busy with every day responsibilities so much that we forget about the hours spent wondering, trying to understand stars and our tiny place in the universe. Many often neglect this childlike curiosity; but others become scientists, researchers, and academics. Without them, our understanding of the world would never grow, and we would know nothing about our complex existence.

But every future scientist needs an opportunity to explore, and this is exactly what the United Arab Emirates hopes to achieve with the new agreement signed between Sharjah Investment and Development Authority (Shurooq) and Sharjah Centre for Astronomy and Space Sciences (SCASS).

What does this mean for the UAE?

  1. Education Many choose to study abroad to pursue space science, since they think the field is not fully developed in the UAE. This agreement is the latest in promoting astronomical education in the Arab world. SCASS will be open to all teachers, students, researchers and family members of all ages.
  2. Tourism It will improve tourist experiences, as the UAE will become one of the first Arab countries to offer visitors insight into the world of space science and astronomy.
  3. Innovation How can we forget about all the awesome discoveries? Having this facility and agreement will make the UAE shine as the new scientific arena for developments of astronomy, cosmology, astrophysics and all space science related fields.
  4. Research It opens doors to transform Sharjah, and the UAE, into a hub for scientific research, strengthening the credibility and progressiveness of the country on an international level. More research means more content, highlighting the need to have more publications from the UAE.

Why does it matter?

Whether you know this or not, most of the progress done in space science and astronomy has been heavily based in the West (mainly Europe and the United States). Yes, they do collaborate with scientists from every part of the world but you will rarely see Emiratis, and Arabs alike, getting that exposure.

This agreement, along with the initiatives being done by the Emirates Space Agency and the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center, will change the face of the Arab world completely. So many more opportunities will arise for Emiratis and residents to pursue unconventional passions of science, and lead the way to new discoveries. It would also promote international cooperation of the Middle East, inviting partners from all walks of life, as the love for discovery, and human curiosity, have never failed to bring humanity together.

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