Here We Start – Issue # 62: May 2015

Artwork by Dana AlAttar (@DanaAlAttar)
Artwork by Dana AlAttar (@DanaAlAttar)

This month, many students will be undergoing their final examinations, whether in schools or universities. Those exams can get hard, challenging, frustrating, and pushes many to give up and just aim to pass rather than excel. I believe this applies not only to exams but also to everything in life.

If life had taught me anything, it’s that each time I was about to just give up and quit whatever I was working on, after I’ve forced myself to have a mental break for just few minutes (or sometimes a week), and then went at it again, the results were remarkable, the success was mind-blowing, and I always feel so grateful for not falling for my moments of doubt or weakness, cause I would have missed out on all this.

So if that’s where you are: a moment of weakness, about to quit, settling to just pass when you can excel; just take a mental break, take exactly the length of the break you need to get back on track, and then get back to work and try harder. May success always be on your side.

With this issue, we are joined by two new members: Shurooq AlBanna & Farah AlBaloosh. Shurooq AlBanna joins us as a columnist. She has been on a journey of self-discovery, ever since she opted out of a career in Genetics and Forensic Science to work for the Noor Dubai Charitable Foundation for the prevention of blindness. She has found joy through her humanitarian work-travels in some remote villages in Africa and Asia. Her interests include: travelling, visiting museums, foreign films and reading. Shurooq’s column “Uno Momento” is influenced by her Toastmasters championship speech that made her reflect on those distinctive moments that give a deeper and different perspective on life.

Farah AlBalooshi joins us as an artist. Farah is a down-to-earth architect and photographer, with a passion to capture beauty in all things in their simplest form. She aims to inspire and create projects that will make a difference and help those in need through Art and Architecture. Farah is a minimalist at heart who posts religiously on Instagram to share and broaden her creativity.

And now to our 62nd issue for the month of May 2015:

Hats off to our great editorial team: Aida Al Busaidy, and Deena Rashid. Enjoy our reads, and don’t forget to check out the inspired artworks by our talented creative team: Aalaa AlBastaki, Amna AlSaleh, Dana AlAttar, Farah AlBalooshi, Hayat AlHassan, and Marwa Fuad.

To keep up with our monthly-published issues and to know about any of our coming events, make sure you register with us by clicking here

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Warm regards,
Iman Ben Chaibah
Editor in Chief

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