Hoping For A Better Year

Article in brief: When it finally hits you that a new year have arrived, it’s time to sum up 2014 and hope for a better new year.

Artwork by Maryam Zainal (@Maryam_Zainal)
Artwork by Maryam Zainal (@Maryam_Zainal)

7th of January is when it first hit me that 2014 is over and yet a new chapter, as they all say, is opened for us to scribble new moments in. In 5 years, what will I remember about 2014? I asked myself and the moments that came to my mind, those were the moments that are the most valuable.

They tell me years are just numbers, yet birthdays are celebrated based on a number. You see, a year might be a number, but when you’ll look back, you’ll say 2014 was a good year because so and so.

For me, 2014 wasn’t necessarily good, it had its moments just like any year but it’s not a year that I am mostly proud of. In 2014, I allowed myself to break; I know that even the best of us break, but I shattered yet I smiled and pretended that my mind wasn’t going through a hurricane. Allah specifically tells us that one shouldn’t hold more than they can carry, and that’s where I went wrong. They told me that life goes on, so I kept that in mind, and whenever something I didn’t like happened, I would carry it on my shoulders, smile, and move on. Yes, life goes on, but issues are not meant to remain unsolved based on the fact that days will pass.

I listed my issues, and I realized how very blessed I am. I was instantly thankful for every little thing, because even though I have always had extreme trust in Allah’s plan, I’ve just only realized how everything takes time to become as clear as the sun. You might believe in your heart that what has happened to you is what’s best for you, but when you begin to draw your life in front of your eyes, you’ll realize how it’s all happening for your own good.

Like puzzle pieces, moments of your life come together to form a masterpiece. The good and the bad seem to fit perfectly together, and at times that could be hard to accept, but you will get there, trust me. You’ll get to a point where a part of your puzzle would be complete, you’ll feel proud, and you’ll continue living your life as a different person.

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