Considering The Possibilities Of What You Are

Article in brief: the author urges the readers to believe in themselves being powerful, creative and much more, and helps the reader reach those states.

Artwork by Maryam Zainal (@Maryam_Zainal)
Artwork by Maryam Zainal (@Maryam_Zainal)

I would like to invite you to take a moment to consider this statement; it’s something I heard Gary Zukav, the author of “The Seat of the Soul”, say in an interview recently.

“Consider the possibility that you are a powerful, creative, compassionate and loving spirit.” – Gary Zukav.

Read it again. Take a moment to think it over and consider each word. Powerful is the feeling of being formidable and capable of anything. Creative is the ability to tap into your imagination, to be resourceful and inventive. Compassionate is to be human, kind and empathatic. And Loving is in the care, sympathy and tenderness you show to yourself and those around you. Each of those words holds so much depth. Now, I invite you to use those words and say to yourself “I am a powerful, creative, compassionate and loving spirit”

How did that make you feel? How near or far are you from feeling that way about yourself? If where you are at this moment in your life is an affirmation of that statement then that’s great; you’re on the right path. However, if your feelings are far from that statement, then you are not alone. Like most, including myself, there are moments in our personal/professional relationships that have made us feel powerless, stuck in a rut or in a monotonous routine of daily life. We might have been left feeling uninspired, unfulfilled, unsatisfied and maybe even unloved. Recognizing those feelings is actually the first step; knowing it’s okay to feel that way is the second, and then realizing that it doesn’t have to be that way and that we have a choice is the third.

Things happen in life that knock the wind out of our sails and that’s okay. In an age of constant motion and connectivity, we often lose touch with ourselves and stray off of our paths, because we are so busy in moving that we forget to listen to our internal compass. Read the quote again; if you aren’t feeling your power then this is an opportunity to fix that. Just be still, be patient with yourself, spend some time reflecting on things and think about what you would like to choose. Believe me, there will be a breeze coming along shortly that will fill your sails with a renewed push and have you on your way again.

Every successful journey is filled with bumps, pauses and rest stops at its different stages that allowed those taking the journey to reassess, review, recalibrate and reposition themselves before moving on with a clearer focus towards their goals and dreams. Failures and mistakes are part of the learning process. They provide valuable insights and learnings on the task at hand. It is often fear of failure and making mistakes that stops us from even trying to go after our dreams.

What would you do today if you knew you could not fail? What direction would you choose to go? What idea or dream would you work on? What project would you start? Write it down and this time instead of considering all the risks; choose to consider all the possibilities.

You are powerful beyond your wildest dreams and more creative than you know. Imagine the sense of empowerment, the motivation, the uplifting feeling of knowing this. It makes me smile just thinking about it and fills my heart with hope and wonder.

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