Hello Sail By The Masses

As you all know, I’ve been running Sail eMagazine (I’ll refer to it hereafter as Sail) for 4 years now. We made a name out of that many aspire to be part of. Sail is an Emarati monthly online magazine (potentially soon to be bi-monthly). This meant few things:

  • Writers and illustrators have to be Emaratis
  • The writers, illustrators, editors, have to commit to monthly editorial cycles
  • Articles have to talk about the community, culture, or creativity

But with the growth of the magazine, more people were approaching us to join, whether Emaratis with different genres of writing, Emaratis who couldn’t exactly commit to monthly submissions, or even non-Emaratis with good content.

As the demand grew across time, we decided to expand to “Sail By The Masses”, which would be different in the following aspects:

  • The frequency of publishing will depend on the amount of articles submitted across time, it can be daily, weekly, or every few days. This keeps the readers on their toes to keep coming back and read what’s new
  • The sent articles will not go through the same thorough editorial process that Sail goes through, instead it will be published as is, except of course, if it crosses censorship limits of politics, religion, or sexual matters.
  • The publishing door will be open for any kind of writing genre.
  • No regular submission commitment is mandated, writers can submit as and when they wish.
  • Anyone can publish with us, regardless of nationality and country of residence.
  • In terms of illustration, the door is also opened for illustrators and graphic designers. If they read an article that they liked, they can email us to ask to illustrate it, and if we confirm that no other artist is already working on it, then they can reserve it to illustrate for it, and the resultant artwork will be added to the article along with the artist’s name.

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As with Sail though, some commonalities still exist:

  • The readers can participate with their opinion commenting on the articles, and can suggest constructive feedback to the writer on the topic and style of writing
  • The piece published with By The Masses shouldn’t be published on another publication, with the exception of the writer’s personal blog if the writer wished to publish it there as well.

I truly believe in the power of writing! And I truly believe even more in the power of reading! So let’s make more of those two, and lets bring it to more than just me and you, let’s bring all the writing and reading to the world! Let’s read and write more!

Join us and send your contributions or queries to ByTheMasses.info@SailEMagazine.com

We can’t wait to hear from you!

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