Here We Start – 50th Issue!

It’s our 50th issue! What a milestone and what a journey! And we have so much to update you with.

Artwork by Maryam Zainal (@Maryam_Zainal)
Artwork by Maryam Zainal (@Maryam_Zainal)

As most of our readers know, Sail won the award of Digital Publishing Entrepreneurship in the UAE for the year 2014 about a month ago. This entailed in sending me on a trip to the UK to exchange experiences with the other digital publisher winners from across the world and also to meet with the pioneers of the industry in the UK and learn some more from them. And so I came back bearing gifts, two of which to be announced in this issue, the rest will announced in the coming few months.

The first announcement is, we will be launching a sister website to Sail and it will be named “By The Masses”. By The Masses is going to be completely different in content, and most importantly, it will be open to all to publish on, directly, with no editing or filtering, and no enforced commitment! Obviously there will be a certain level of censorship, but that is only expected from such an independent publication. By The Masses will be launched by mid of May inshalla. However, if you’d like your writings to be part of the inauguration of the new publication, then get a head start and send it to along with your name and social media handles.

The second announcement is: the launch of our new design. We have heard your feedback and we have responded. After researching the market to know what are the new design trends, we are re-launching with a new look that is fresher and more dynamic, and we hope this makes you enjoy your reading experience even further!

There is also couple of internal announcements about our team:

Our Managing Editor Fatma Bujsaim is stepping down from the management team, and we are joined with a new member: Dhabya Al Mehairi, who will be taking up the role of the Managing Editor. Dhabya comes with a background in Journalism and we are sure she’ll bring with her a fresh look to our content.

Also, Fatma AlHashemi is stepping down from her role as the Head of Creative Team, and Maryam Zainal is now assigned to take the role of Head of Creative Team. Congrats Maryam, and we are sure you will be bringing a fresh look to our creative side of the magazine.

And our final news in this issue, we have an exciting collaboration with the Entrepreneur Middle East Magazine! In this issue we are publishing an article written by Fida Chaaban, the Editor in Chief of Entrepreneur Middle East Magazine, in exchange of me writing a collaboration article to be published in the Entrepreneur Middle East’s May issue as well! I hope you enjoy her article published with us here, and make sure you grab a copy of the Entrepreneur Middle East’s May issue to read what I had to say about running an online magazine

And now to our issue #50 – May 2014 in brief:

Hats off to our editorial team: Aida AlBusaidy, Amel Shaheen, and Fatma Bujsaim. Enjoy our reads, and don’t forget to check out our illustrations by our creative team: Anood AlMulla, Dana Al Attar, Fatma AlHashemi, Hayat AlHassan, and Maryam Zainal.

To keep up with our monthly-published issues and to know about any of our coming events, make sure you register with us by clicking here

Help us spread the word about the magazine and share the articles with your friends!

Warm regards,
Iman Ben Chaibah
Editor in Chief

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