How To Overcome Your Misery

Article in brief: We usually let our demons get the best of us instead of conquering them.

Artwork by Dana AlAttar (@DanaAlAttar)
Artwork by Dana AlAttar (@DanaAlAttar)

Everyone goes through ups and downs and at some point, they feel abandoned and forsaken. What’s upsetting about it all is that at such situations, they tend to push people away when they try to help, and instead, isolate themselves even more.

We, human beings, are bound to be destructed by affection as feelings usually blind and occupy our thoughts, effecting our decisions. No matter how hard we try to deny it, emotions can at times get the better of us. This is especially true for teenagers as they go through phases where they feel mistreated and lost; and it’s only natural!

At that certain age, hormones rage and teens simply feel like things never go their way. They face too much emotional drama and distress to the extent where they can barely differentiate between what’s real and what’s going in their heads.

What I’ve learned is that instead of trying to bury these feelings deep down inside, we have to do our best to embrace our misery instead of pushing it away.

Yes, I am aware that embracing your misery sounds too dark, however, it’s the only way to move on. We need to accept the things that we cannot change and sadly, getting into a state of sorrow is one of the things that we can’t control. What most of us refuse to comprehend is that we’re only harming ourselves by believing that it will pass on its own without seeking help.

Whatever darkness may possess your soul at the time will only disappear when you put the effort in making a change. At the end of the day, moving on is a choice. If you decide to trap yourself in denial and lock yourself away, things will continue to get worse.

The first step to moving on is confrontation. Face your inner demons, state your issues, make sure they know that they cannot play with you and they simply cannot be your downfall. Ensure that you tell them off by proving to them that you aren’t diluted enough to believe that the same way they easily entered your life, they’ll magically disappear.

The second step is to count your blessings. As simple as it may sound, acknowledging what you have and realizing all the senses of joy you are currently overlooking will make you feel better, even if it was for a little while.

We usually take things for granted and hardly appreciate life. The sad thing is, we tend to ignore everything we have been blessed with the moment something bad happens to us. We only come to realize our blessings when we’ve lost them all.

The third step is to have the wisdom and to know the difference between ignoring something that hurts you and harming yourself. Personally, I believe that not sharing what’s affecting you is the biggest form of self-harm; it doesn’t always have to be physical.

I recently came across this Christian prayer called “the serenity prayer”:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.”

I’m currently living off of this prayer. It’s giving me hope and helping me have faith to know that things will change.

Make it a goal to be happy and construct a new lifestyle for yourself in which you always face your fears, problems and whatever is bothering you. For myself, I recite the previously mentioned prayer repeatedly every time I feel down and it actually works! So read self-reflective books and positive quotes; for when you’re blue, they can definitely ignite more vibrant colors.

Find your own comfort and remember that joy can come in the smallest and most unexpected forms imaginable. Also, let people in as they can console you and be the warriors who save you from your demons.

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