Overcoming A Writer’s Block

Article in brief: The author shares ways to overcome an illness us writer’s suffer from, a writer’s block.

Artwork by Dana AlAttar (@DanaAlAttar)
Artwork by Dana AlAttar (@DanaAlAttar)

When using your pen or keyboard to express how you feel better than your mouth can, when you’re constantly telling a story in your head and you fall into the trap of what they call a writer’s block, know that you’re a writer at heart. You’re a person more familiar with words than you are with melody; a person who finds warmth between the pages of a notebook full of hopes.

Somehow, words heal your wounds and make you believe that behind every sentence is a chance for another one to follow. Here you are searching for a remedy among my striving words; looking for a thing that would heal an illness us writers suffer from, the lack of inspiration and the stream of untold words. Suffering from writer’s block is what I felt during the past few months and here I am writing an article about it.

What do we do when words fail us and when our minds refuse to let letters fall into place and form a piece of art?  Overcoming writer’s block could be an easy task if we only find inspiration in the little things around us. Look around and search for a muse; it could be a person or an object, something that grabs your attention and write about it.

So how can you make a metaphor from your reality? Let’s take a beautiful flower as an example and make it our muse. We won’t write about that flower but we’ll write about a girl who is as delicate as a flower; a girl who suffered but remained the most beautiful soul. See how I did that? I took inspiration from my surroundings and made my inspiration based on a symbol. 

Purchase a notebook that stands out and make it your best friend. How many of us regretted not writing that awesome idea we came up with while going to school or even taking a shower? If you think about it, those ideas could’ve made a spectacular book or an amazing article. Moving on from those regretful moments, start today and make that notebook your companion.

We all have those uncompleted chain of words that we never shared; rewrite them. You can inspire yourself by reading your old pieces; they’ll make you realize how far you’ve come along and how much you’ve grown resulting in a thirst to write about your journey.

As thinkers, we often worry our minds way too much. Thinking of the stressful deadlines that approach us and make us worry more about submitting something rather than the beauty of the content itself. Stop thinking about the deadline and think about the lesson that you’d want to share with your readers or the new character that you’d want to create. Make your writing journey a way of enjoying yourself rather than a load of worries.   

Words will flow out of your pen if you only allow your passion to guide it. In the end, writer’s block is nothing but an excuse that we use when we can’t seem to inspire ourselves. Become your own inspiration and watch yourself create a peace of art. Hope you get well soon, writer. 

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