Here We Start – Issue #45

With publishing our 45th issue, which is our December issue for year 2013, we have so much to celebrate here in the UAE. As the case with every December, our country is festively filled with our beloved flags everywhere, be it on our homes, in the malls, or on the streets. Such over joyous demonstration of our love for our country only grows our love for our UAE even more and instills further patriotism in us. The country that gave us so much yet no matter how much we try to give back, we barely give back any.

Artwork by Fatma AlHashemi (@F_Fotography)
Artwork by Fatma AlHashemi (@F_Fotography)

On a parallel note, as we all know, just few days ago we got the great news we’ve all been waiting so long for, the final announcement of the winning city to host the World Expo 2020. The final shortlisted cities were: Izmir from Turkey, Sao Paolo from Brazil, Ekaterinburg from Russia, and of course, Dubai from the UAE. Our great leaders sought the great opportunity in hosting such a prestigious event and submitted a hosting bid to the responsible committee (BIE) to get the chance to host it in Dubai on year 2020. After months of thorough hard work from the assigned team by our country’s leadership, and with the massive awareness campaigns that led the entire UAE nation supporting Dubai’s bid and hoping beyond hope to win the bid, the announcement was finally made on the 27th of November to declare Dubai as the winning city for the World Expo 2020. This announcement was not cheered for by our leaders only, but by the entire nation filled, with pride and joy in belonging to such a great country under such visionary leadership. The joy extended to the entire region, having Dubai as the first city in the entire MENA hosting this prestigious event.

In light of the anticipation of Expo 2020, Sail eMagazine hosted a writing competition for the best article written to explain Expo 2020 and Dubai’s hosting bid to win the expo. After evaluating all the entries by the assigned committee from Sail, we are pleased to announce the winner name today. Congratulations to Shehla AlAshkar! You can read her article by clicking here.

Artwork by Fatma AlHashemi (@F_Fotography)

As always, our team is constantly growing with new members. For this month we have 3 new members:

  • A columnist: Salma Bin Faqqas, an aspiring 17 years old chemical engineering student that took a leap of faith into the unknown where she found out what she is truly capable of becoming. She believes that people too weak to pursue their own dreams will always find a way to discourage hers. An official addict to positivity and spreading joy. Through her column: ”To a better tomorrow” she focuses on common problems found in our society and psychologically analyses them. It also gives simple solutions to the raised issues in order to make the community a better place to live in.
  • An illustrator: Hayat AlHassan is a sixteen-year-old Emarati who is always seeking to figure out her purpose in this life. Through art, she aims to express herself and send her message to the world. Her passion and enthusiasm for cameras and photography motivates her to observe, discover and capture the beauty of little things and rare special moments. Lastly, she hopes to inspire the world with a moment that has yet to be captured.
  • An illustrator: Marwa Fadhel is a young Emirati with a third eye, obsessed with anything artistic. Media student at Zayed University, currently specializing in visual communications bachelor degree. Looks up to rise the art culture in the UAE. Marwah also has a passion of reading as she believes that both reading and art carry messages but are expressed differently.

And now, Issue #45 – December 2013 in brief:

Enjoy our reads, and don’t forget to check out our illustrations by our creative team: Anood AlMulla, Fatma AlHashemi, Hayat AlHassan, Maha Bin Fares, and Marwa Fadhel, .

To keep up with our monthly-published issues and to know about any of our coming events, make sure you register with us by clicking here.

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Warm regards,
Iman Ben Chaibah
Editor in Chief

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