Know More About Youself

Article in brief: Mustafa Abbas discusses the importance of self-growth and improvement.

NotesofTheNight - Dec13

“The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival.” – Aristotle

It’s strange the way it works; it’s easier to see from an outside point of view; it’s also easier to see the outside layer. We can accept truths about people we are not emotionally involved with, however dark or negative. We can pinpoint their flaws much easier than our own. Our eyes show us what’s in front of us; they show us the world. They show us everything as far as outer layers are concerned, but we can’t see ourselves. We can’t even struggle to see ourselves because it’s not physically possible. A mirror, however, will show us how our hair looks, how our shirt fits, etc. It will show us everything on the outer layer.

When speaking or dealing with another human being, we can study their body language, tone of voice, and behavior. We can come to a conclusion about their attitude regarding a specific situation or their outlook on life in a general sense. We cannot do this with ourselves without a conscious effort.

My understanding is that the way to improve is awareness. The more one knows him or herself the more they are able to better themselves and know about the world and how to get it to react accordingly. Naturally, it is easier to accept and understand without emotion. This is why sometimes in certain situations we understand other people more than they understand themselves. Not because we know them better, but because emotion has not contaminated our judgment. Whether someone loves the person and it’s a sensitive matter or whether negative feelings dictate and come to an unfair conclusion.

Aside from consciously looking into ourselves, it is also extremely important to listen. Listening gives us the outside point of view about us and ultimately helps us improve. We must take this in with a few key points: don’t be afraid to learn or to grow, appreciate feedback, welcome change, have a good attitude, and learn to love in a general sense.

   “I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen,” –Ernest Hemingway

I believe so many people believe they are better human beings than they actually are. This is how they are “able to live with themselves” as we say or sometimes wonder. For those people out there who are genuinely good and kind, either they feel they are not good enough or not good at all. Few are those‎ who are both good and intelligent. For only those have found the correct balance and strive to improve as people and grow intellectually.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” –Gandhi

Moose Out.

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1 Comment

  • I think it is important that people take their emotions into consideration if they are to have an overall awareness of who they are. Other people may analyze a situation without bias but they are not well positioned to judge an individual because they are not fully aware of what drives an individual's thoughts and emotions. Our emotions often cloud our judgement but so do our thoughts. Awareness comes when an individual comes to terms with the entire picture of themselves, to be able to accept, to be self-critical, to enquire within themselves, to be able to observe what drives their thoughts and emotions and how they react in the moment. If they hold an 'image' of who they are then it will be hard to accept their actions, which is why as you said "people believe they are better human beings than they actually are."

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