We Are All Stronger Than We Think

Article in brief: The writer expresses how we are all stronger than we think and that the battles we encounter in life only made us the strong people we are today. 

what doesnt kill you

One day I looked back and thought “wow! I have been through a lot”, and I bet if you looked back, reader, you’d say the same thing. As life passes us by, day by day, we fail to remember how much we’ve fought to get to this point in our lives, we fail to remember how stronger we have become.

Remember the time you said “I can’t take this anymore”, the time you almost gave up on yourself? Well, look at you now; you’re a fighter at heart. You continued to fight for what you believe in and never gave up. That’s the thing about us, as much as we want to give up, a voice inside of us tells us to fight a little more and the faith in our hearts screams: “Give it one more shot”.

At some point in my life I thought I couldn’t continue fighting for what my heart desires, I thought that the only thing left to do is to give up and let go. I felt that everything going on is too hard for me to handle, and that I wasn’t old enough to make the right decisions. Now I know that Allah never gives you more than you can handle, and what you thought of as hard was actually the reason you have became stronger.

A year ago, you would’ve never been able make it through the things you’re going through now, a year ago you weren’t as strong and built up as you are today. What we thought would kill us, made us so much stronger, it made us believe in the impossible so we took a leap of faith.

A leap of faith to what we thought of as impossible, a jump to a place we never thought we’d reach. Now we know there is nothing we can’t do, no fight we cannot triumph.  If you believe that, you’ll realize how very strong you are.

This is not the last of your fights, in fact this is nothing but the beginning, so if you thought you can’t overcome all the difficulties you’re facing, remember all the encounters you’ve overcame. After all the heart is just a muscle that needs to be trained to be stronger, and by time you’ll realize how amazingly strong you have become.

You can only fight your own battles and can only be your own hero. Yes, the people around us give us strength at times, but strength comes from within, thus you are the reason you’re getting stronger with every heartbeat.

I know that at times things get out of hand, and giving up is your only thought. Instead, start fresh, organize the thoughts in your head and never carry more than you can hold. Always believe that you are capable because you are only as strong as set yourself to be and keep in mind that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

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