Stop Labeling Others

Article in brief: The key to prevent gossip or judgments from getting to you is to create a barrier of self-belief. 

Artwork by Dana AlAttar (@DanaAlAttar)
Artwork by Dana AlAttar (@DanaAlAttar)

People always say “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, but we all judge at times, don’t we? We judge people according to their appearances, the way they speak or even the way they walk. What some people don’t realize is that the false judgments they make and the comments they say based upon those judgments can have an extreme impact on a person’s life.

In this world, everything is labeled; people have become so obsessed with labeling things to the point that they’ve started labeling people as well. Tall, short, fat, thin, smart and dumb are a few examples of the labels we use for people.

Humans like to call names, point fingers, and judge. The thing about humans is that we weren’t created to be perfect. In fact, it was the perfect one who created us and the way we were created was the best way in the eyes of the creator.

Comments people make about others or just plain gossip can really affect a person’s self-confidence. So why do they do that? From experience I have learned that most of that hatred that is directed towards a person comes from an enemy called jealousy.

In Islam, we were taught by our Prophet Mohammed PBUH to love for other people what we love for ourselves; in other words, treat others the way we want to be treated. Stop the jealously because it causes hatred and the moment you start hating you’ll find a black cloud surrounding you. Instead, thank Allah for what you have and pray that he grants your wishes.

Blocking the negative voices around you takes strength and I believe that the first step to thicker skin is self-belief; once you believe in yourself, you create a barrier that prevents you from getting affected by what people around you say.

Believe that being different only means that you’re special and that what people label as a “flaw” is actually what makes you who you are. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work on becoming a better person, it means that every person is special just the way they are.

You should always start with yourself. Start by learning how to hold your tongue from speaking badly about others and don’t speak until you know what you’re about to say wont hurt anyone’s feelings. Start with yourself and the others around you will be affected positively.

Focus more on improving yourself and less on improving others; this way, you’ll care less about what others say and more about what you think about yourself. It really doesn’t matter what people think as long as you know that you are the best version of yourself.

There is always someone who will disagree with you. People will not always believe in the same things you believe in or appreciate who you are. The key is accepting that there will always be someone opposing you but that should not let you down because everyone has different opinions and tastes.

Take what people say into consideration but don’t let it get to you. We are not perfect; none of us are and we make mistakes. Use what people say to your benefit and always look at the positive side of things. They will always talk the talk but it’s up to you whether you’ll let it crush your confidence or build you up to become a stronger person.

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