My Perspective on the Qualities of a Leader

Artwork by Maryam Zainal (@maryam_zainal)
Artwork by Maryam Zainal (@maryam_zainal)

“Sometimes a majority simply means that all the fools are on the same side.” -Claude McDonald.

I believe every single human being, in one way or another has either a leader’s personality or a follower’s.

This is my observation: leaders never have anything to prove. A comment that is farthest from the truth can be thrown in their direction and they will not even correct it because this is how comfortable they are in their own skin. And this is how little another person’s opinion affects them, although, leaders are also strong in their opinions. Some of them argue their point across and some of them remain silent because they feel there’s no need to create any tension.

In most cases, it wouldn’t matter if one was a good man without standing up for what is right. This is a leader’s quality. But as we’ve seen throughout history, not all those who fall under the leader category are necessarily good people. They would use things and people solely for their own advantage. The harsh truth: most people who we might call “simple” are humble and wish well, and unfortunately many who posses the gift of intelligence might abuse it. These examples have occurred time and again with leaders of nations whose power has corrupted them and changed their intentions. And in their cases, they can’t expect Karma to be a particularly good friend to them, as we have seen and continue to see.

Being a leader does not necessarily mean having a higher position. It also does not mean showing it off nor being arrogant – those traits are of followers who think they’re leaders.

Sometimes, it seems many followers are comfortable being followers. They bow to make their leaders happy; tell them what they want to hear, sugarcoat all the flaws and problems at hand. And some leaders like that, but then those leaders are going to have a tough time knowing who their friends are when they are being surrounded by “yes men” all the time.

The difference between confidence and arrogance is that one of them is ‘genuine’ and the other is ‘fake’. Arrogance comes from insecurity; it is the furthest thing from confidence.

I personally think a leader is wise, not cunning. He is patient and awaits his turn, and speaks-up when it is a must. Although a leader’s views, shared or not, are usually quite strong, he is always willing to listen and never afraid to apologize when mistaken. After all, those are brave qualities.

“The great man does not think beforehand of his words that they may be sincere, nor of his actions that they may be resolute; he simply speaks and does what is right.” – Confucius

Moose Out.

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