Here We Start – Issue #33

Dear Sail Readers,

As we publish our 33rd issue, we are entering into the month of December. It is a special month from many aspects for us. From one aspect, on 2nd of December, we will be celebrating our beloved country’s 41st National Day. The festivities and joys surrounding this beautiful milestone of our UAE are so immense that fills our hearts and souls with so much over flowing love and gratitude to where we have reached as a nation by the amazing support from our beloved leaders.

From the other aspect, December is the last month in the year. The month of reflecting back on what you have achieved and accomplished so far in this year. Did we mark off every item we planned for 2012? Are we happy with what we’ve done so far or are some more milestones there to reach before this year turns its page? Are we planning our 2013 or not yet? Are we planning what’s achievable yet challenging enough? All those questions and way more would be buzzing in our heads as we are soon about to bid farewell this year and start a new page with a new year soon. We better do all the questioning and thinking now, so that when 2013 knocks our doors, we are well prepared for it.

In this issue, we are welcoming a new member to our team. Khaled Bin Hamad through his column: “Modern Philosophies”. Khaled holds a Masters degree in marketing from Japan, and studied manga arts in Japan while doing so. He is the creator of the upcoming graphic novel Naser’s secrets (writing & drawing) coming on the 13th of January, 2013. Former writer in Al-Mijhar medical magazine about health and fitness and many other articles online. Artist in oil painting, pastel, charcoal, iPad arts and digital arts since the age of 16. Heavy reader in psychology, philosophy, history and literature. Khaled is currently dedicated to working on the graphic novel and starting his own business. He explores in his column history, self development and enlightenment.

We also welcome to our team: Dana AlAttar, a new member to our creative team. Dana is a young Emirati artist and has graduated from Zayed University in Dubai with a bachelor’s degree in Art and Design, as a graphic designer. Her hobbies of designing, event planning, and photography have helped her explore design in various ways. Art for to her is creation, innovation, and inspiration. It is not only about creating something that is beautiful, but also having a story and meaning behind the creation itself.

Here is our content’s listing for December 2012 – Issue #33:

Enjoy our reads and of course our creative illustrations by Dana AlAttar, Fatma Bujsaim, and Hamda AlHashemi.

Warm Regards,
Iman Ben Chaibah
Editor in Chief

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