The Insanity Proposition: Embracing Insanity to Stay Sane

Illustration by Fatma AlHashemi (@F_Fotography)

“The Insanity Proposition. ” Go ahead and read it one more time, word by word: The. Insanity. Proposition.

Insanity isn’t something on everyone’s mind as it can be a very dark and twisted term with many definitions. Some of these definitions are too disturbing to think about and the others are too lame to consider but the easiest answer to think of is: “Insanity is the opposite of sanity. ”

 “The Insanity Proposition” is based on that answer; it is based on the idea that insanity and sanity are two sides of the same coin and on the awareness of them being interlinked.

In simple terms, “The Insanity Proposition” can be defined in this sentence: “it is when you forget sanity and embrace insanity for a specific time in a specific situation to avoid insanity.”

Before that definition is explained, it is significant to remember what life is like and how it continues to go on, day after day and night after night. Life doesn’t stop, the earth doesn’t stop spinning, the sun doesn’t stop rising, the wind doesn’t stop blowing, the days don’t stop passing and human beings never get a break.

Even if you do decide to go into exile and leave everything behind, life will go on, the earth will spin, the sun will rise, the wind will blow, the days will pass, and even though you may think you are on a break, you can never take a break from yourself. That is the fact of life and in those moments in life, “The Insanity Proposition” is embraced.

To explain “The Insanity Proposition” further, the following day to day situations have been written with the sanity approach as well as “The Insanity Proposition” approach:

Situation 1: Flying on an airplane: Sanity vs. The Insanity Proposition

  • Sanity: is it safe? What are the odds that the plane crashes? What if my head explodes from the pressure? Will my feet be sore and look like elephant feet? Will a smelly person be sitting next to me?
  • “The Insanity Proposition”: which gum should I take with me? What music should I download? I wonder what movies will be playing? Should I take a Kit-Kat with me?

Situation 2: Eating at a new restaurant: Sanity vs. The Insanity Proposition

  • Sanity: what if I don’t like the food? What if the waiters are horrible? How do I know their kitchen is clean?
  • “The Insanity Proposition”: I wonder what music will they be playing? I have a feeling their decor will look nice. Let’s hope their chairs are comfy.

Situation 3: Stuck in traffic: Sanity vs. The Insanity Proposition

  • Sanity: look at that idiot! Why won’t these cars move?! I’m so LATE! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!
  • “The Insanity Proposition”: *sings favorite song in head, swears a bit, continues singing*

In many cases, being sane and taking everything as it is can drive you insane but “The Insanity Proposition” allows you to choose to become insane in a chosen situation, at a chosen time and in a controlled environment. Hence, relieving the pressure off your brain and eventually saving yourself from insanity.

And as my good friend @Lindseymcd said to me: “you’ve accepted insanity’s proposal a long time ago” and indeed I did!

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