Arabs Don’t Read


Illustration by Fatma AlHashemi (@F_Fotography)


When asked about whether or not he sees Arabs as a threat, Moshe Dayan, an Israeli military leader, said no by simply stating: ‘Arabs don’t read’.  Reading frees the mind and opens a possibility for free thinking. In many parts of this region, many are ‘anti-thinking’, simply because thinking leads to change. The past isn’t reversible, but the future can be saved.

The first word in the Holy Quran is ‘Read’, and ironically, Arabs don’t read. I’m never one to stereotype, but we’re talking facts here. We glorify our ‘Arabic history’ when we know minimal amount of information about it. What we know about our history is limited to what we studied in high school or even university.

Another quote I passed by was, ‘Women shouldn’t read books. Then they start thinking and getting ideas.’ I laughed because I understood the truth behind this quote. I’m not talking about the ‘women shouldn’t read’ part, but rather, the ‘thinking’ part. When you read a book, regardless of the genre, you get to see life through a different perspective. You start seeing things through the eyes of the author. When we read, we start analyzing the past. When we analyze the past, we just might have a chance to change the future.

Ray Bradburry once stated that to kill a region’s culture they don’t need to burn its books, they simply need to get the people to stop reading them. As a region, we are all trained to think in the same direction. We are all guided through the same paths. ‘Thinking’ gets in the way of this path. Schools nowadays produce students that all fall under the same category. Educational systems prepare students for university and, little do they know, they’re killing the very essence of individuality. As a region, we’ve been told what to think, not how to think. Encouraging reading is the only way to save a generation that’s lost between conformity and mediocrity.

We don’t need more lawyers and doctors, we need more free thinkers; people who think for themselves. We don’t need more A+ scores, we need more opinions. We don’t need people in positions, we need change. We don’t need to conform, we need to read.

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  • Great article, very well written. Fully agree with you on how reading can open up the mind to fresh and progressive ways of thinking. We gain insight, develop opinions, and strive towards change.
    However my main concern with our people is not that they don't read, but why they aren't driven to read or enlightened enough to even want to read. That is part of a deeper underlying problem. As you said, they might not want change. But it is preheat that there is a level of ignorance and lack of hunger for knowledge. Something brought them to this point… Yet I am faithful as many of our brothers and sisters are now breaking out of that 'shell'. One step at a time, let's hope further messages like your post drives us there. Thanks for the insight. 🙂

    • Thank you so much!
      I completely agree. Reading's importance is highly degraded. Out of all people, we should be a region that reads, We were the pioneers of the written word. Things will hopefully change,

  • A really nice article Dubai! And I can relate to what you say since whenever people see me reading, they say that I have too much time on my hands. I would just like to say that reading is a sign of intellecuality…and that when you choose to read something you are choosing to enrich your soul with the experiences of the Author.

    • Thank you!
      Yes, unfortunately reading is being degraded and looked down on. Time used in reading isn't a waste at all, it's an investment!

  • Let's see how many of us READ this article!
    You have hit the nail on the head, and I can feel the pounding but I have hope and more so faith in your generation…We may not change the Arab world, but it is ok to start with one Arab at a time…and somewhere down the line, I am confident the message will go rhough, the stereotypes will fall and the journey wll continue..While reading for another perspective is pertinent, it seems to me some of us forgot how much fine and how exciting reading is…
    Yalla…add this to so many of our causes and let the recruitment begin…we need soldiers for the written word…
    I volunteer….

    • I honestly think the issue can be solved using the domino effect, as you said, one Arab at a time. The most important thing is awareness, and hopefully it will spread! It's actually a blessing to be able to read, and I pity those who don't because they're missing out on a lot!
      Thank you for your feedback, and this is a battle I'm willing to fight in! Our swords will be made out of ink and our armors out of paper! For the written word!

  • There was this book that I bought and finished reading it, it was infact the first english book that I had finshed reading, it is called 'That used to be US' by Thomas L Freidman. This book got me into the world of reading books, and I'm very thankful to Sir Thomas for that.

  • I know how bad this will sound but it has crossed my mind as well. I agree with the Israeli military leader, but i wish I didn't have to agree. Living in the middle east I see everyday how much they take for granted the capability of thinking and pushing yourself thru reading different views and examining one's perspectives.
    I really wish this wasn't the case, and though the response I always get when I bring this up is "well other countries have that problem too!" I am always left wishing that people would stop justifying their short comings by aligning themselves with other countries who are in a bad state of education and free thinking. You don't progress as a nation if you keep procrastinating your responsibilities by comparing yourself to other countries who you clearly know aren't doing well either.

  • Thanks for the article. I equate reading to putting your brain on steroids. It opens the mind to new ways of thinking and facts that over time can be put together in thinking. It is equally important to do something and to reflect on the experience from doing. When we put the enlightenment from reading with the experience from doing and reflection… we can improve.

  • not only arabs but the whole muslim world needs to read more and pay attention to a all round education since that is the only passport to the future. to have the passion and energy to really devour knowledge and have a lifelong affair with ideas and creativity is what each and every muslim male and female ought to have inside of them. its not about how fat your paycheck is or how successful you are. its about how much lust for learning and wisdom you have that counts. to literally tear through the books and magazines and newspapers not to mention movies and documentaries and especially the wealth of info on the internet is the duty and moral obligation of every muslim and human being in fact. it is investment for the future and will pay off one fine day when you least expect it.

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