A Positive State Of Mind

Illustration by Fatma AlHashemi (@F_Fotography)

Oftentimes, I have lost myself in the perils of my own mind, and sometimes I succeed in escaping. I’ve always believed that as a human being, I’ve been created for a purpose and my life is of meaning to the outer world. Each and every one of us has been designed to fill a slot in this big place we call life but we more than often take ourselves for granted.

Around three years ago, I stumbled upon a book called ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne. I found the concept of the book to be very intriguing. It basically highlights the power of positive thinking and how each and every individual ‘attracts’ whatever he or she is thinking about. It doesn’t come from a ‘wishful thinking’ perspective, but rather approaches readers in a motivational and somewhat moving way. Personally, I’ve always believed that we are responsible for every single thing that enters and exits our lives, but I also don’t deny the external factors’ roles in our lives. I also don’t believe in coincidences or timing. There is no such thing as ‘wrong timing’. Every single thing that happens in our lives has been precisely placed to cater a greater purpose.

We often underestimate the power of our minds and the power of positive thinking. I’d bring up the subject of ‘The Secret’ every once in while on my Twitter page and, as always, I’d get mixed reviews on the matter. What fascinated me the most about ‘The Secret’ is that the concepts the author was introducing were mentioned in the Quran. We’ve always been taught that if we believe in the good, we’ll find it, and if we believe in the bad, we’ll find that too. Take a moment to examine your life and your surroundings. If you look back at yourself a few years ago, you’d find yourself in a place where nothing made sense.

Today, and because you were strong enough to believe in tomorrow, most of yesterday’s mysteries are now clearer.  Personally, I apply the concept of ‘The Secret’ in my daily life. It may not be possible for one to be positive every single moment of everyday, but it’s vital for you to know that it’s your birthright to be happy. I’ve shifted into a more positive aura and, because of that, I look forward to what tomorrow brings. We let external factors play a role in the scenario of our own lives and we attach our happiness to people and things when really, only we can free ourselves. Only we can make ourselves happy.

We let words, facts, and people put us down and every time we take a moment to listen, we get pulled farther away from our slot and purpose. Is life not but a journey of self-discovery? No matter how many times you try to explain yourself to any person in the world, he or she can never understand you fully. No one but God can understand you and no one but yourself has the power to free your mind. That, I guarantee.

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  • Another great article! I am getting hooked to your magazine!
    Totally agree with you.
    Dont try and please people and dont let them dictate your life because they will never be satisfied! Please your creator only and in the process people will be happy with you too!
    The prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said, “Renounce the world and Allah will love you; renounce what people possess and people will love you.”

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