Graduating: The End is Just a New Beginning

Illustration by Fatma AlHashemi (@F_Fotography)

It is never easy to say goodbye. Especially with friends who have shared moments of randomness and discovery, of hardship and tears, of frustration and anger, and most importantly, moments of happiness and success throughout the years with you. It is never easy to say goodbye to a place where memories were painted, and smiles were drawn, and sweats were broken. It is never easy to say goodbye. Full stop.

Why is a goodbye associated with the end?!  A goodbye maybe temporary, it may also state a new beginning. When we finish reading a book, there is always another one to read. When we are done painting a canvas, there is always a new one to start. With every end, there is a beginning, and with every goodbye, there is a hello.

In a couple of days, we, the class of 2012, will not be students anymore; we will be deemed graduates. We shall all go on different paths, even though we may have shared the same major, classes, and environment, it doesn’t really have to be the end. It is the beginning of a new book; not even a new chapter. Our undergraduate years are behind us, and the future awaits us.

This is not just about us, this is not about graduating; it is about a new journey in life; a new adventure. A Roman philosopher once said, “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” We might be graduating, but others might have their own endings and beginnings as well; some may be changing their jobs, while others may even be resigning for good – this may be their end but it is our beginning. Whatever people choose to end, it always results in the beginning of something new in an undiscovered place.

One shouldn’t be sad with letting go and saying goodbye, because a goodbye might actually be a “see you later” – those who want to stay in touch will always find a way no matter where life takes them.

Each one of us has his or her own way of saying goodbye; some will say it with tears and some with smiles of joy, some even with both. Some will write it on a letter while others might say it out loud.

This is my way of saying goodbye.

Not only am I graduating, but my column has also come to an end. Just Another Undergrad will no longer be an undergrad. She will be a graduate.

I leave you with a quote by Jonathan Lockwood Huie, “Celebrate endings – for they precede new beginnings.”

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  • Very well said Fatma. Goodbyes are indicators for new beginnings, those that will determine the course of your life. Mehrdad said in class the other day "I'm not good with goodbyes, I've said so many in my life, it does not get easier" .. And that is true. But know this, just as we were a part of your life, you were and still are a part of ours. You changed life's by just being a part of it, might be a word you said or a gesture you've made, we've all impacted each others lives one way or another.
    Goodbye is not farewell.
    We love you.

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