Here We Start

Dear Sail Readers,
In every issue, Sail columnists write about what is relevant to them, what they have been exposed to from experiences, events attended, their readings, and in general, the happenings whether domestically or internationally. In most cases, what any of the columnists write is relevant in a way or another to Sail readers, because what touches an individual in the community touches all. So here is what Sail Magazine’s April issue has for its readers:

  • Just Another Undergrad: Fatma Bujsaim defines the term ‘dialogue’, how it is being used, and the potential power of it once utilized.
  • Living Through The Eyes of Art: Hamda AlHashemi describes how transferring negative feelings and energy in different ways can create positivity.
  • Microscopic Me: Rooda Al Neama explores the success factors highlighted by the speakers in a conference she attended on Women’s international day.
  • Society of Tomorrow: Mohamed AlJunaibi explains how the media bombards us with emotional triggers that may enforce a preconceived view of a situation and a state of mass confusion & misinformation.
  • To The Point: Mohammed Kazim discusses the fade of good manners from our society in the past few years, and its impact on society’s dynamics. He then provides 3 recommendations to revive good manners in the society.
  • Spotlight: Though this column often portrays inspirational talks, this time we chose a video from an anti-speeding campaign launched by the Australian government. The video illustrates how the way we drive is merely a symptom of how we carry on with our lives.

As I end this month’s editorial piece, I urge you to follow our tweets on @SailEMagazine, as we will be releasing updates on an upcoming exciting collaboration that will happen during the month of April. This is just a teaser for now, and is definitely worth the follow. Stay tuned!

Here We Start – Just Another UndergradLiving Through The Eyes of Art
Microscopic MeSociety of TomorrowTo The PointSpotlight

Enjoy the read!
With warmest regards,
Iman Ben Chaibah
Founder/ Editor in Chief

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