Here We Start

Dear Sail Readers,
It is always inspiring to see new members enthusiastically joining Sail Magazine writers with new areas to write about.
In December issue, Hamda Al Hashemi is starting a new column in Sail Magazine called “Living Through The Eyes of Art” in which she relates arts to the real life in a very unique way. I hope you find this as I had, a valuable addition to the magazine. I find this column, aside of our other columns, smoothly complements our irregular column “Society of Tomorrow” by Mohammed AlJuneibi in which he relates technology to our real life.
As for our December issue, here are the columns:

  • Interview: We are interviewing Anas Bukhash, one of Ahdaaf Sporting Club’s owners. The first indoor sporting facility in the UAE with AstroTurf fields.
  • Scenes from Life: Rawan Albina talks about how we have grown to take certain joys for granted, and suggests being a child for a day to find our passions again.
  • Just Another Undergrad: Fatma Bujsaim expresses how she learnt to be on time for her classes and what values she gained from that.
  • Living Through The Eyes of Art: Hamda Al Hashemi explains how paintings have a meaning beyond comprehension, and how sometimes we do not need to understand them.
  • Spotlights: Stacey Kramer talks about certain gifts in life that transform our lives to what we want, but come in packages we did not expected.

Here We StartInterviewScenes from Life
Just Another UndergradLiving Through The Eyes of ArtSpotlights

With warm regards,
Iman Ben Chaibah,
Editor in Chief

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