Closing Note, March 2010

For those of you who will read this magazine. I am hoping that you shall set sail with your inner hunger to aspire to what YOU want to be, and do what YOU want to do. From this instance, gone will be the days where our dreams become disguised as our fears. One could argue that human beings are sometimes afraid to achieve self made success. Maybe, that is because we are afraid of breaching the boundaries of our comfort zone, afraid of stepping outside the norm, afraid to start from scratch and afraid that no one will hold our hand on the way. However, this need not be the case. I am a firm believer in taking one baby step at a time. The majority of successful individuals we see today, did not run before they could walk, and they certainly stumble before they could steadily put their feet on the ground. It is only natural! and therefore, new endeavors need not be scary my fellow Sailors. Fear not of achieving what you dream to achieve, for Sail is here to let you know that you are not alone on this journey.
Shaima Al-Tamimi

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